New Ideal Form




In this work I use charcoal drawings to call attention to stereotypes about the “ideal” woman’s body. This concept of the ideal has been present for centuries, has changed over time, and is affected by society. I have noticed a shifting trend lately as more and more women are largely concerned with what their bodies can physically do rather than what they look like. I call this work New Ideal Form, because I believe the “ideal” has changed in the minds of many athletic women. It is now a mental construct, not an unattainable physical one; therefore, we can set goals for our bodies to do, not look like. These goals are dependent on individualized hard work instead of outside opinion. In this artwork I emphasize strength through defined muscles and beauty through soft backgrounds. I plan to expand this work by drawing models with different body types to further the concept that the ideal is based on individual and ever-changing goals, not predisposed requirements set by society.